Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions for Global Fund Grant-Funded Orders
i+solutions (July 2024)1
IDA Foundation (January 2021)2
PFSCM (October 2020)3
UNFPA (March 2022)4
UNICEF (July 2020)
The Global Fund/wambo.org terms of use (November 2022)
Terms & Conditions for Non-Global Fund Grant-Funded Orders
i+solutions (September 2022)
IDA Foundation (February 2021)
PFSCM (October 2019)
UNFPA (March 2022)4
UNICEF (July 2020)
The Global Fund/wambo.org terms of use (November 2022)
Legacy Terms & Conditions
i+solutions grant (August 2019)10
i+solutions non-grant (October 2019)9
IDA Foundation Terms & Conditions (January 2019)6
PFSCM Terms & Conditions (December 2018)7
PFSCM Terms & Conditions (July 2019)
UNFPA grant (December 2018) and UNFPA non-grant (August 2018)8
The Global Fund/wambo.org terms of use (January 2019)
The Global Fund/wambo.org non-GF-grant Pilot Program Terms of Use (December 2019)
1. i+solutions Terms & Conditions apply to all requests placed with i+solutions received on or after July 31st, 2024
2. IDA Terms & Conditions apply to requests for LLINs and IRS received on or after September 1st, 2019
3. PFSCM Terms & Conditions apply to requests for Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and Viral Load / EID received on or after September 1st, 2019, and requests for other diagnostics and laboratory supplies received on or after October 1st, 2019
4. UNFPA Terms & Conditions apply to all requests placed with UNFPA (primarily condoms and lubricants) after March 22nd, 2022.
5. UNOPS/UNWB+ Terms & Conditions apply to all requests placed with UNOPS
6. IDA Foundation Legacy Terms & Conditions apply to all requests for LLINs and VL/EID received before September 1st, 2019 and all requests for “Other” Diagnostics, Laboratory, and Medical supplies, as well as Essential Medicines, received before October 1st, 2019
7. PFSCM Legacy Terms & Conditions apply to requests for ARVs and Anti-malarials received before August 2nd, 2019, and for Rapid Diagnostic Tests and IRS received before September 1st, 2019
8. UNFPA Legacy Terms & Conditions apply to all orders (primarily condoms and lubricants) placed and still en route before March 22nd, 2022
9. i+solutions Legacy non-grant Terms & Conditions apply to all requests placed with i+solutions before or on August 31st, 2022
10. i+solutions Terms & Conditions apply to all requests placed with i+solutions before July 31st, 2024. These comprise requests for ARVs, Anti-malarials, and Strategic Essential Medicines received on or after August 2nd, 2019, requests for other essential medicines received on or after October 1st, 2019, as well as Therapeutics, PPE and Oxygen Commodities for COVID-19 Response Products (before July 31st, 2024)